

In a world that evolves and always requires something new and inspirational for the consumers’ fantasy, BrandYourShoes has decided to go into the world of customized sneakers. A proposal that has no equal on the market.

Our concept is simple: Full-ID custom, our total customization system.

We imagined how good it would be for anyone to create their own shoe: 4 models of sneakers, a wide range of colours and the ability to place logo or images in multiple positions = unlimited possibilities!!!

Our online configurator is the tool that helps the users to immerse themselves in our world, can enjoy playing with the colours they prefer, placing letters, logos or photos on the sides or heel (be Premium!). We challenge you to find anyone else on the market with our know-how and professionalism that can create a high quality shoe that speaks of you, with your colours, your story, your name.

Some companies have renewed their own offer, proposing classic models with a limited choice of colours and a space for a writing of a few letters. Others, on the other hand, propose complete new models on which you can put the colours that you want and insert a written in different fonts on a label. But this is for a limited number of pieces, we point to the team.

Why BrandYourShoes?

We like to accept new challenges, collaborate with groups of all kinds and derivation. We put at the people’s feet something that makes them more united, which promotes the sense of belonging and nourishes the power of the brand.

We’re born from a simple idea: The Castellers. They are groups of people who build human towers, leaning on each other, united by the spirit of sharing, sacrifice and respect. They were our first customers but also the inspiration behind, we refer to their human values as an example to work on every day. We design shoes that can accompany the team spirit at any occasion of sharing, whether in the office, in the long tiring trade fairs, during exciting business events. BrandYourShoes is the traveling companion that wants to make you the road comfortable as long as it will be long, give you recognition wherever you arrive, giving to souls a sense of uniqueness and union.

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