Innovation as a flow of thought, a way of life, to have a daily goal that helps you grow.
Nowadays to emerge in the market and earn a position worthy of being called so, you need to have an idea that leaves the mark. In the business world doing innovation means doing start-up, but doing start-up is nothing more than solving problems.
In a society that seems to have no more significant problems that afflict us heavily in life, wit is about to find those little needs and desires that secretly people hide in their depths. But innovation is really difficult to name, at equal numbers, how many start-ups are born every day in the world? Reading on the web, up to 11,000 every hour.
And how many survive? Statistics show that 3% reaches 5 years of life. Main causes are managerial incompetence, followed by lack of experience and a weak line of action.
In short, if we go to analyse thoroughly, there is no school preparation to be entrepreneurs and be innovative. It seems we’re immersed in an environment that transmits creativity, but not. We should foment a “culture” of innovation already in schools, in that way each person would have the tools to be able to act in every field and profession with consciousness.
Interesting ideas are offered by Junior Achievement, a non-profit organization that organizes programs on topics of financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship for students in kindergarten through high school. Or GSEA (Global Student Entrepreneur Awards) a premier global competition for students who own and operate a business while attending college or university. These are the main projects with a global impact, but few schools yet participate.
So entrepreneurship is certainly something innate, but it’s also a capacity to be discovered and nourished. Innovating is something possible if you have the right incentive, skills and courage. BrandYourShoes started this customized shoe adventure as a challenge, a new marketplace and not yet tested by anyone. The Full-ID custom system is our proposal to the world and like other start-ups we struggle every day to take a place in the global market with our project.
And how do you live innovation?