This spring everything is allowed, from models that have already become classics, such as the Adidas Superstar, to some new surprise, such as the Basket Heart of Puma. It’s up to you to choose the model that fits you the most.
2016 has been the year of the sneakers. In the midst of the Athleisure trend boom, and with that nostalgia for the ’90s that fashion lives on, millennials have rescued classic sneakers as new style icons. The Cortez of Nike have returned to the feet of publishers and influencers, Old Skool Vans live a golden second age and even luxury brands have been inspired by the trend: let’s see if not, the white shoes of Gucci.
1. The Cortez shoes, by Nike
It all began in the 1970s. Running had become the hottest sport in the United States and the Blue Ribbon Sports brand (now Nike) wanted to make the world’s most comfortable running shoes. Inspired by the classic Onitsuka Tiger, Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman (co-founders of the brand) created the perfect sneakers: lighter and more comfortable, they were baptized initially as Tiger Cortez. At the Munich Olympics in 1972 they made themselves known to the world and broke the numbers: they reached $ 800,000 in sales. The rest is history.

2. The Converse All Stars shoes
He was born in 1917 and soon captured the basketball market. So much so that they incorporated the name of their ambassador in the 1920s, basketball player Chuck Taylor: hence the Chuck Taylor All Stars. Its form of boot secured greater ankle support and in the 70s reached a new golden age, which lasted until the 2000s. Today they have gone from being a technical footwear to an object of style.

3. The Stan Smith Adidas shoes
They are possibly the most famous sneakers of the brand. Its history begins in 1965 when the brand designs some slippers for the French tennis player Robert Haillet. They soon caught the attention of another player, the promising Stan Smith, whom they proposed to redesign the model and give it its own name. Years later, the American athlete would say: “The shoe has come to life above me.”
Since then, more than 30 million Stan Smith have been sold in the world: with its minimalist aesthetic and classic style have survived the generations.

4. The Old Skool Shoes by Vans
It was 1977. Paul Van Doren, the founder of Vans, had created a rubber consoles shoe specially designed for skaters and surfers. The sneakers were comfortable, they had grip, but they lacked something: a recognizable logo. O ne day he drew a wave-shaped line and showed it to one of the shoemakers in the factory, and one of the brand’s distinctive features, the so-called side stripe or jazz stripe, was born. In the 80’s the fame of the Vans was unstoppable, and in the 90 came collaborations with designers such as Marc Jacobs or
In the 2000s, the fame of the sneakers went down until again, 15 years later, fashion has completed the cycle of trends, and rescues them in the feet of women referring in style.

5. The New Balance Trackster shoe
L ike other iconic garments (remember jean), the New Balance was born with a practical mission: to ease the feet of the American workers, who at the beginning of the 20th century demanded a more comfortable shoe to work with. But in 1953 there was a before and after: the birth of a shoe that would forever change the course of the brand. The so-called Trackster.
It was the original version of the New Balance that we know today, available in different widths of foot. However, the shoe did not receive the famous logo until 1971, when Jim Davis bought the company and turns the N into an icon.

6. A plus for fashionistas: The Gucci Ace shoe
As we said, the Athleisure trend has revived the spirit of the classic sneakers now turned into the essential garment of publishers, influencers and stylists.
Chanel was the first brand to take Haute Couture shoes, and in 2016 has been the Italian Gucci who has revolutionized the market.
Their Ace slippers made of leather, and with pearl details (there are also sequins, tacks …) have become a trend, from New York to Paris.

We take into account market trends. Therefore, at BrandYourShoes we work with the brand in fashion DNA and design. Our four basic models are designed to consider the likes of the people.
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